January: Lauren Boyes

Never Give Up on Your Dream

Walking on TWU campus for the first time, I knew this was my home! I went thru my orientation and
passed by a recruitment table for the fit and recreation center at my school. For some reason I stopped
at the table and was looking at the booklet and saw an advertisement for the TWU Dance Team. I did
orientation after the tryouts, so I took the booklet with me and left the school. About two weeks later, I received a message from my past director that the TWU Dance Team was hosting a summer audition! I was shocked! So I put in all of my packet for auditioning and starting practicing all of the elite skills I had in HS but granted it had been a year since I danced.

June came by and it was time for the auditions, I prayed to God asking may your will be done, and I was definitely at peace with the tryouts going in. The tryouts went by and I felt good about it. We had about an hour after the tryouts until we found out the results. A group of us went and hung out together before we found out the results. Time went by and it was time to see if I made the team or not. We went back to the area we did tryouts, and the results were posted right inside the door. I found out that I did not make the team. I wasn’t devastated, I was at peace and hungry to want to be a better dancer for me.

I went back to my home in Houston for a family trip we had in Florida about 2 weeks later. My family and I were having a great time. One day we were there, I was on the beach in Panama City, I was swimming in the ocean with some of my step sisters. I felt this urge like I had a missed call, I thought it was the weirdest thing because I didn’t really have many calls or messages while I was in Florida. So I went back to shore to check my phone, and I had 2 missed calls and a voice mail from a place in Denton, where TWU is. I wasn’t in a place to be able to hear the voicemail, so I looked at the transcript of the voicemail. The first things my eyes went to was, I would like to offer you a spot on the Dance Team! I took a double take and was like whoa this is not real! I quickly left the area on the beach where my family was to be able to hear the voicemail more clearly and sure enough, it was the Director of the Dance Team at TWU wanting to offer me a spot on the team! So I immediately called her back and accepted the position as an alternate on the Team! I was so incredibly thankful to be able to be apart of the team knowing that the Director still wanted ME even though I initially didn’t make it.

This past semester, I worked incredibly hard to gain more skills, become more flexible, and really be Dauntless as a dancer. Now going into Nationals Season, as an alternate, I really didn’t think I had a
fighting spot on the national’s floor. Practice and working hard really make a difference because I found out that I am going to be dancing on the Nationals floor as a team member not an alternate!

Never give up on your dream because you never know where life would have taken you if you gave up!

Go ‘Neers!
