October: Riley Eidson: Travel & other opportunities with TAMU Dance

This past August, I had the incredible opportunity to travel to Edinburgh, Scotland with the Texas A&M Dance Program to take part in the annual Edinburgh Fringe Festival. This arts festival is truly world-renowned and a hub for all creative works debuting in the 2017-2018 season. A piece choreographed by two of the dance faculty and performed by students was selected for the festival. I am so thankful I had the chance to travel abroad with some of my best friends and witness some incredible performances while we were there!

The dance program at Texas A&M is dance science based. This means that we pursue a degree in kinesiology, taking classes such as anatomy, nutrition and athletic injuries, while translating that methodology into dance training. Our goal through dance science is to prevent injury and increase the length of a dancer’s career, while promoting overall wellness in the sport. Students and faculty usually attend the annual International Association for Dance Medicine and Science (IADMS) conference. Last year, we were able to receive funding to travel to Hong Kong for this event! This year we were fortunate enough to have the conference right down the road in Houston! I was able to work the conference as a volunteer, meaning I was able to meet dance science professionals who I look up to and take the various classes, while having my conference fee dropped. I advise you to look for any similar opportunities to work/intern at something that interests you and take advantage of the learning and networking opportunities that come from it!

Please reach out if you have any questions about my experiences, or about the Texas A&M Dance program! J

